
Who am I and How can I help?

nichole emerrick fitness

Hi! I’m Nichole, and I’d love to help you transform your body and mind. Here’s the stuff you need to know about me. I’m a:

  • NASM Certified nutrition coach
  • Personal trainer
  • Group exercise Instructor
  • I have Multi-specifications including:
    • behavior change
    • balance & coordination
    • corrective exercises
    • body
    • programming and more

I’m super excited to spread health awareness!

Nichole Emerick fitness

Listen, I get it… I found myself overweight and depressed after I had my first child. I didn’t even know where to start. It was so overwhelming!! I want to help others conquer the overwhelming fear and create a healthy body inside and outside so they can live their best lives.

I’ve been certified since February 2020 (yes, during covid- and wanna know a cool fact? People who regularly exercise are LESS likely to be down as long with a virus than those who don’t).

I like to make it simple and sustainable for people to get into exercising and eating healthier.

It’s a lifestyle change but it can’t be drastic or it’s not usually going to stick. My favorite thing is to help you not overthink healthy living- move your body in a way that is functional and enjoyable.

Try to always include a colorful variety of produce everyday along with lean protein. An important factor is that you don’t feel like you’re punishing yourself to live a healthy life because that’s counterproductive always.

Please message me below, if you think I can help you – or if you have any questions at all.

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